6.2 Setting the MyID configuration options for VSC issuance

To enable device and VSC support within MyID:

  1. From the Configuration category, select the Operation Settings workflow.
  2. Click the Devices tab.

    Set the following options:

    • Allow device management from the MyID user interface

      Default: No

      Set to Yes to allow devices to be used within MyID. Device-specific features (such as a Device option on search screens that allows you to specify the device you are searching for) are displayed.

      Set to No to hide the device features within MyID.

    • Microsoft virtual smart cards supported within MyID

      Default: No

      Set to Yes to allow VSCs to be used within MyID.

      Set to No to hide the VSC features within MyID.

      Note: If you set this option to No, you must:

      • Use the Job Management workflow to remove any existing jobs for VSCs.
      • Use the Credential Profiles workflow to modify your credential profiles to remove the Microsoft Virtual Smart Card option.
  3. To enable devices to be retrieved from Active Directory, click the LDAP tab.

    Note: You must have configured a connection to Active Directory using the Directory Management workflow.

    Set the following options:

    • Allow LDAP Search for devices during card requests

      Default: No.

      Set to Yes to allow an operator to add a device from the LDAP directory into the MyID database when requesting credentials.

      Set the No to prevent an operator from adding a device when requesting credentials. The operator may still be able to add a device using the Add Devices workflow.

    • Allow LDAP Search for Devices during Add Devices

      Default: No.

      Set to Yes to allow an operator to add a device from the LDAP directory into the MyID database using the Add Device workflow.

      Set to No to prevent an operator from adding a device using the Add Device workflow. The operator may still be able to add a device when requesting a VSC.

  4. Click Save changes.